me, myself :)

My photo
I'm Nurulain Farhana. Well, this blog is basically about me and the life i've been going through. Pardon my grammatical error.

Monday, July 30, 2012

mock meeting.

assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

today is the day!
mock meeting untuk subject MGT. 
meeting yang bakal dilakonkan oleh kami-kami.
script belum hafal sepenuhnya! T-T
hopefully, everything will be alright.
pakai baju formal nanti. weewiittt XD
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan kami.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

don't you dare look out your window, darling everything on fire.

assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

luar nampak tenang,
tapi dalam tuhan je yang tahu.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

easy said than done.

assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

i'm scared of marriage. I really am. 
banyak sangat cerita and tragedies yang I dengar.
 problems in marriage, curang, poligami and else.
most of my friends going through the same thing in their family.
I've seen enough.

is that normal? is it true that men really can love more than one woman at one time?
i've heard too many same stories. husband cheated on their wife.
why can't they stay loyal with one woman?
 woman who truly loves them?
woman who loves them more than anything. 
why can't they? 
lelaki yang kita percaya, tipu and curang.
can you imagine that?
boleh imagine macammana perasaan perempuan tu?
benda ni normal ke?
so maknanya, mana-mana lelaki pun boleh buat?

yes, lelaki boleh poligami. and perempuan tak boleh persoalkan poligami. 
memang ada dalam Islam. sunnah Nabi. 
but do they follow the real sunnah or it's just lust?
kaji balik macammana cara Nabi, kenapa Nabi berpoligami.
kalau bab poligami, laju je cakap sunnah. bab lain? *gelak sinis
sorry to say, i'll walk away kalau that's happen to me.
memang dapat payung kuning kat akhirat nanti.
tak boleh lawan takdir, but i'm not that strong.
nanti lagi banyak dosa bila tak redha. 
I want Jannah.

 I hate it when men makes fun of poligami. bangga boleh kahwin ramai.
kau ingat senang? family kau happy la nanti?
most of the family I know, tak happy.
 kau tanggung la dosa anak bini kau nanti.
seronok kan? kau tak alami, so kau tak paham.
sorang pun susah nak jaga.
easy said than done.

kan lagi better kau berazam nak bimbing wife kau, bimbing untuk dapat syurga.
sama-sama muhasabah diri untuk jadi hamba Allah yang lagi baik :')
perempuan yang baik akan benarkan suami dia kahwin lain, tapi lelaki
yang baik takkan menduakan isteri dia. 
get it? 
in case kalau ada tersalah apa-apa, maaf.
 ilmu agama masih tak cukup

this iz le opinion only.


p/s; orang yang tak pernah alami, memang takkan paham.
assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

I don't get it.
seriously I don't.


Monday, July 23, 2012

that moment when you're tired of everything.

assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

buat supersaver dengan harapan nak bersembang, 
but in the end macam cakap sorang-sorang.
cakap macam nak tak nak. 
am I that worthless?
terima kasih.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

ramadhan al-mubarak.

assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

ramadhan is here again :')
kejapnya masa berlalu
rasa macam baru je puasa tahun lepas, puasa pertama di perantauan
di UiTM Segamat
pertama kali belajar sahur sendiri, berbuka sendiri without family tercinta
now ramadhan datang lagi
alhamdulillah masih bernafas untuk menyambut ramadhan kali ni

baru je balik from ma home
first ramadhan with le family
rasa macam taknak balik Segamat
but what to do kan #sigh
semoga ramadhan kali ni lebih bermakna and makes me strong

hopefully segala benda yang kusut dalam kepala ni will go away soon
penat dah serabut sendiri

selamat berpuasa mr.gendut
this is our first puasa together :)
please take care.



Sunday, July 15, 2012

assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

the affection, passionate, enthusiastic are nowhere in sight
are they gone with the wind?
gone with the gloomy midnight
the dim stars 
please come back and stay
stay with me, never leave again
i need you


Saturday, July 14, 2012

assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,
 forgive me for im not perfect
for im not good enough
that I have so much attitudes that you have to bear
that im too much to handle
im not mad at you, im just mad at myself that I have so much that I ask from you
so much attention from you sampai nak merajuk all the time
so much love from you
so much understanding from you, nak you faham what I feel
wanted to see you so much
wanted to talk to you so much
and maybe that's too much for you
too much for you to handle, maybe penat nak melayan
im sorry
I dont know how you feel about that.
I wont ask that much anymore.


p/s; im so much emotional this few days, I have no idea why and what happen to me.
assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

have you ever feel that you're so pissed of and annoyed and bored
that you want to cry but there's no tears coming out?


Friday, July 13, 2012

all i want to do is grow old with you.

assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

Yeah we've had our ups and down
But we've always worked them out
Babe am I ever glad we've got this far now
Still I'm lying here tonight
Wishing I was by your side
'cause when I'm not there enough
Nothing feels right
So I'm coming back to show you that
I'll love you the rest of my life.
When I'm With You-Faber Drive

harini Segamat mendung
sejuk macam US
hidung tak duduk diam
selsema sejak berhari-hari lepas
penuh bakul sampah dengan tisu
bila selsema, boleh buat alasan nak menangis
orang tak perasan kan?
eh tak nangis, selsemalah
gedik je kan
p/s; 3 days to 7 months of up and down together, tears and laughs. i miss you.

jubah's day!

assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

i'm wearing jubah today, after a long time
there's a strange feeling in me
bila pakai jubah, terus nak pakai tudung tutup dada, labuhkan.
selalunya selempang je kat leher macam nak pergi pasar bila
malas then rasa nak pakai stokin
before ni memang i'm wearing stokin to prevent unexpected
feet's smell hehe
tapi this time, nak pakai sebab nak cover my aurat
inner dengan seluar memang kena pakailah sebab nanti my jubah
terbang-terbang jadi samurai pulak hee
rasa macam, oh my rasa secure je
bertutup, tak risau even there's guy lalu usha-usha ke
because i know i've cover my aurat
you know, that kind of feeling

terus jalan pun nak cover macam perempuan muslimah
how to behave and all
bila tengok muslimah yang lain yang memang bertudung labuh,
terus macam, okay one day
suka tengok diorang
and few of my friends dah memang berubah jadi a better muslimah
i wish i have that courage soon
malunya bila recall balik my appearance and what i've been
wearing all this time
tapi people nowadays lagi pelik tengok orang bertutup than
woman yang half naked
pandang nak pelik je
insyaallah, soon

ramadhan dah nak dekat ni, so better muhasabah diri banyak-banyak
muhasabah diri yang memang banyak dosa ni sobs
rasa macam nak pakai jubah everyday time ramadhan nanti so
i can cover my aurat without excuse
insyaallah :)


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

What I'd do to have you here, I wish you were here.  

What I'd do to have you near, I wish you were here.

assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

I am waiting, still.
