me, myself :)

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I'm Nurulain Farhana. Well, this blog is basically about me and the life i've been going through. Pardon my grammatical error.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

how to make girl happy!

assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,

  1. always tells her you love her
  2. give her flowers (a dozen, two dozens hehe)
  3. be romantic
  4. makes surprise
  5. tell her she's beautiful
  6. take her on dates
  7. remember small details about her
  8. listen to her
  9. call her just to listen to her voice
  10. always support and stand up for her
  11. care for her
  12. be kind and sweet while she's on her period
  13. never let her down
  14. never break her trust
  15. spend more time with her
  16. never break her heart
  17. love her family like your own family
  18. determine to make her your wife, make her halal for you
  19. guide her towards good path, towards Allah
  20.  love her till Jannah!

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