me, myself :)

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I'm Nurulain Farhana. Well, this blog is basically about me and the life i've been going through. Pardon my grammatical error.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

4.00 am

dear niahanara,

i can't sleep
why am i so emo-ing tonight?
#sigh + crying
why am i crying? haiyoo
i don't know why
but i want to cry my heart out
really really hard
and that's what i'm doing right now

my roommate gonna think that i'm crazy if she seeing me crying right now
crying without reason
just crying
but i'll feel a lot more better after i'm crying
that's usually happen

i'm listening to holes inside by joe brooks right now
being repeated a few times now
well, do i really satisfy with my life right now?
there's a decision to be make
and i'm still not sure about it
should i just go with the flow or what?
ohmyyy, this is hard
i'm really sure about this before, but now i'm blurr

where's the out-going me?

hmm i don't know
there's a lot of things to be consider before i really make up my mind
or it's just me that afraid of the future
will i be happy with my decision?
what if someday i feel like i'm not really sure?
or i might dissapoint someone in the future?

why is it so hard?
or maybe i'm just too geting used with my-alone-but-cool-life?
or past experience that still haunt me?
or maybe i'm afraid that i might make mistake?
there's a part of me that asking me to just go on with the flow,
but the other part of me are making so many excuses for me not to make decision

i'm sorry T_T
but i think i'm afraid that i might not be as good as your past
but past is past right?
what else to be afraid of nurulainfarhana?
haiyaaa --'
ohh i feel like crazy talking to myself now and crying at the same time haha!
but MAYBE if you ask the question again, i might give you my decision :)
i don't know what will happen in the future but right now please,
don't walk away from me :DD


p/s ; gedik gilaa entry ni --' i'm sorry (nak post entry ni pun still kena berdebat dengan diri sendiri whether to post or not to post. ohh i'm pathetic T_T)

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