assalamualaikum w.b.t
dear niahanara,
i'm tired
beberapa hari ni sangat busy dengan macam-macam benda
and there's a lot of thinks to think of
assignment berlambak, submit next week
nak kena buat apa pun macam blurr je
for the time being tengah busy with test
harini test microeconomics
i've tried my best, study macam orang gila, tak tidur
perah my otak to the max
and the end, menghadap paper dengan muka macam 'what the f***k'
i'm frustrated! seriously
it doesn't comes out like we all expected
and not like in the exercise books at all!
yesterday, test 2 accounting
rasa macam nak menangis bila masa tak cukup
'okay, 5 minutes left'
what the? --"
and i was like T.T
why Allah why?
kenapa jadi macam ni?
i tak cukup study ke? should i try even more harder?
Ya Allah, letihnya
this sem, tak ada rezeki ke i nak dapat DL?
every subject is killing me
please makes me stronger Allah
another problem is marketing project for class.
still in process
i have to make sure everything is okay and done by wednesday
iklan, slide for presentation, bunting,
wednesday weh!
why i have to do everything?
why me?
it's not that i'm saying that i do all the jobs and the others didn't
but i can say that i have to pantau everyone, bagitau itu ini baru nak buat
Ya Allah, korang semua dah besar kott
nak kena arah-arah lagi ke?
nanti cakap i ni gila kuasalah apalah
then when i asked to do something,
they come out with millions excuse
macam nak kena sepak oh!
korang je ke penat??
i ni tak penat?
i have to be the director for iklan, presenter for the project, perah otak cari nama product bila nama yang nak guna dah wujud, buat slide untuk present, tolong edit iklan
i tak mengeluh, i ikhlas buat semua tu
and bukan nak tunjuk hebat sebab buat semua benda
but where are you guys?
rasanya kalau tak push, jalan ke project ni?
baru suruh sikit dah mengeluh!
and who am i that i have to do all the things?
i'm not even the class leader
please, pity me :(
this Monday i have group presentation for marketing
and slide tu pun belum buat
i don't know, i just don't know what to say
sometimes, i want to be selfish and think of myself only
but then, i'm not that kind of person
please appreciate what i've done
takda pun yang puji
bukan mengharap pujian, tapi at least give me some support
where are you guys?
is this what you call teamwork? haihh
and i miss home
that's make me even more weaker
Allahuakbar :'(
if you ask me why i do all that if i'm tired,
here's my answer
if i didn't do all that, rasanya jalan ke semua ni?